
Dear OCEESA Members and Friends,

Hope everyone has a great summer. We are pleased to announce that Dr. Jentai Yang and OCEESA are calling for 2024 Dr. Yang Grant applications by the end of July. “Dr. Jentai Yang Sustainable Environmental Protection and Eco-humanistic Education Fund” (Dr. Yang Fund), was created in 2022 and administered by a review committee under OCEESA. Dr. Yang Fund will provide grants for qualified projects for synergistic activities focusing on environmental protection and eco-humanistic education in the United States and the greater China area.

Currently, OCEESA is calling for grant applications for subjects related to climate change, renewable energy and new media communication methodology in public awareness of environmental protection and eco-humanistic education for present and next generation professionals for the two-year period of 2024 to 2026. Please see the attached Request for Grant Application (RFGA) for details.

We welcome all qualified applicants to apply for the grants. If you have any questions regarding this RFGA, please feel free to contact Mr. Anmin Liu at anminliu1@gmail.com.

OCEESA is also striving to promote education and awareness on sustainable environmental protection engineering and science. If you have any ideas or initiatives, please share with us so we can develop the collaborative program accordingly. 

Please visit OCEESA website at www.oceesa.org for more details and future announcement. (Since our site is down for maintenance, please contact Anmin Liu for more details). 

Please feel free to forward this announcement to friends and colleagues who might be interested in applying for the grants.


Sen Li, Ph.D. 

President, Overseas Chinese Environmental Engineers & Scientists Association (OCEESA)